Health And Social Care
We here, at Which NVQ have been extremely successful in obtaining free unlimited government funding to assist the local Health Care Sector with developing their employee's skills and mandatory requirements.
As a result of this, we have been working closely with local Care Homes to set up training matrixes to ensure that all mandatory requirements are completed both for the employee and employer. Most importantly, this service is completely free of charge!
We completely understand that each care home is different therefore has different requirements. That is why all our training matrixes are written completely bespoke to your care home. We also understand that training, whilst important, can be a time struggle for all businesses especially in this sector, therefore we offer onsite training with minimal downtime and ensure it is convenient to suit each home.
Attached below is a list of qualifications that are available and there is NO COST to you.
We are more than happy to visit you and discuss any requirements and set up training that is needed.
All qualifications are recognised by CQC and the NHS
The new initiative for all care providers in the Black Country such as Day Services/ Domiciliary/ Residential any aspect of the care sector. This also includes a cash incentive. We can offer you free recognized online courses for all staff as well as funding towards the cost of DBS's or your own in-house training.
This information is also available from Wolverhampton Council, Sandwell Council, and West Midlands Care Association.
With the new incentive, you can utilize this by gaining access to both training and funding or either. It's worth £40 per person to your business every 12 months. This can be used at induction for new starters or just claimed for all staff every year towards the cost of training.
Courses / Syllabuses (all syllabus information available upon request)
Emergency First Aid
First Aid at Work
Food Safety Level 2
Fire Safety Level 2
The Care Certificate
Manual Handling
Infection Prevention and Control + COVID-19
Health and Safety in the Workplace
Duty of Care
If you are interested then please contact me directly and I will answer any questions and set up funding/training. This funding is direct from Jobchange2007 specializes in advice and career progression.
All courses are E-Learning - can be accessed from smartphones/laptops/I pads at any time. Certificates can be printed off or saved to files the qualifications are all recognized by the NHS and the CQC.
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